The year was 1932 when Santayana leaves the city of Rome, its "whitewashed cell in a convent located at the foot of the Aventine, opposite the ruins of the Palatine, which is to be beyond the history, "described the room as Maria Zambrano, and goes to The Hague to give the Domus Spnoziana a conference titled" Religion last ", to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of the birth of Baruch Spinoza.
The text of the lecture was published the following year in the Septimana Spinoza, and that same year, 1933, will translate Antonio Marichalar and published in the Revista de Occidente . In the preface to the translation accompanying Marichalar collected some verses of Alfred Kreimborg describing our philosopher
skeptical soul inside a chest
fervent testimony provides unbiased
the fray of gods
bring here an extraordinary and significant piece of that conference, which demonstrates his mastery not only argumentative, bringing a meditative and reflective thread tension, but permeates the concepts of extraordinary plasticity and vividness:
"Where is our will that commands, and it seems that without knowing us how, not only our body but obdece the world, we are like Joshua watching the sun stop at his command. However, when we give orders and nothing happens however, we are like King Canute, stunned by the rising tide that does not comply. But when we have done a great work and to have channeled again the course of history, we are like Cantaclaro, which gives his singing the presence of the aurora.
And what is the result? That for a mere act of conscience honestly, does the spirit immediately, and suddenly, one of the most radical religious perceptions important. He realizes that, though she is living, is unable to live, they still can die is unable to die, and that, in short, is, at every moment and every event, in the hands of an alien power and impenetrable.
And that's all I know of this power, respect. For now, only for me, the counterpart of my impotence. From the moment I have no way of knowing how far that power, I would not call it powerful, but do not hesitate to call it, coining a word. "Omnificiente" as is, for me, by definition, the maker of everything done.
not hold the physical validity of this sense of cause or agency: I simply feel what is of strong, well, hostile, or impenetrable in the world. Revealed only an impression, and perhaps lack enough of this to my ever-present sense of power can be erected in a theological theory of the omnipotence of God. But the moral presence of power man comes over the night, while in the desert, when found, as the Arabs say, only Allah also reappears in all acute predicament, in extreme situations, in the act of a child born in the face of death. With respect to the unit this power, I will not find it in its various manifestations, but rather in my own solitude, in the unity of this spirit of suffering, beset by all these accidents. My fate is lonely, lonely tágicamente, no matter how diverse their causes. Stunned, as I am, I am not required to, but had penetrated the inner engrnaje things omnificiente explain whether that power is simple or complex, continuous or spasmodic, intentional or blind. I am against him simply receptive attitude, the same way as if I were in Rome before the great fountain of Trevi What I see there? I see streams and waterfalls flow into separate jets in different directions. I'm not certain that it Pontifex Maximus one who has drawn entirely by channeling those waters for such precise melodic channels. More of a stream will have withered since its creation, or strayed. Fresh rain from heaven they could, today, may add new streams. Who's behind those known if there is not some fake rocks hidden genie misrepresents the waters play. And how do you know the wealth of detail that, in my imagination, have displaced or have been multiplied by an optical effect only? And yet, there espĂtitu here for an overall impression and wonderful: the sound of a force that is facing me in an admirable and theatrical spectacle. "
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