Monday, April 27, 2009

What Painkillers Do I Take For Hernia

Influenza in my city ... (Hermoso title)

Today I woke up at 6:38 am, according to my clock, so far only listened to my brother shouting: "No school, no school, I got up and said," What? "But if not cold," and then I saw on the news, by order of the Governor (mine, mine alone) that classes will not see because of influenza, Influenza damn, I wanted to take classes, study, aprendeeeeeer, but either way, no classes Monday and Tuesday .

I get to work and begin to create hysteria, I start coughing and everyone turns, was d elos shit moments of the day, until my boss told me: "It Rafael", PLOP.

Then I
will be cancer integer classes until May 6, orgasm for all children and idiots in Mexico.

I hope the virus will mutate into something worse and everyone into Zombies ...


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