Saturday, November 20, 2010

Are Sandals Resorts Gay Friendly?


Thus, "the hermit" Juan Gil-Albert called the poet Malaga Alfonso Canales, high pain that has left us. He wrote in "Notes spontaneous" put in front of the Valencia edition Song of the Earth . I edited Lindes, poetry notebooks, an excellent collection that was released here in Valencia, what's memorable poems of Cesar Gil-Albert and Simon, in the seventies, the right hand of Ricardo Bellveser, Pedro and Ricardo Bessó Arias.

One of my first books of contemporary poetry that I bought with my little nest egg of a young man, was precisely the poems Channel, Port-Royal , edited the collection The Bard. My copy still retains the stamp of the library where you bought: The Idea, Estamañería Vieja, 11. This library disappeared disappeared as those years but still the pages of the book, and follow in the footsteps of his readings, and yellow edges.

attracted first-time young man who garabateba verses in the pages, the striking carmen meditative, existential and spiritual teacher Malaga:


same ray of sunshine that warms my knees

cloisters joins me dream, to `tame

shadows of the temples is now brown with identical

Light: the light of this

hour. Not the one in which a mob of followers

marred King

a way of faith, nor the

Thursday past or future.

God draws to himself those who trust

and despairing. A

us we have to choose the wide gate

or the eye of the needle, which

always enough light to guide the thread

also, of course, he was attracted to of land that he associated with his poetic inclination, in idyllic way to see the land, the land of his family, that Malaga childhood and adolescence, first love, discovery light, the sounds of the waters of the ways of composing the meanings of this life, giving voice and line from poem to privacy.

poems that were followed which was regularly known to us the author, showing his tireless search, passionate writing: Royal sites, Andalusian Requiem , sabbatical year, port, Song of Earth, etc. Unemployment in the latter because for me is one of its most excellent findings. From him I copy this poem that comes to mind:

(So die the death, as things die

all) when no one knows about me or even

yourself, earth, save anything of mine who has

illation with life

I had,

be alive again. No need to order

times await, each

one in your blood carries

that purpose. As pottery sherds

yours cooked, the great fire makes

(a delusion that encourage

tenaciously) to look in new ways,


their own strength. But the pitcher is broken

of both go to the source

of hope, and everything ends badly

a day or a night

when an oversight

(not sure from whom)

container has Cabado to give what could

to: contours, colors, or liquid


It takes a little longer, as are classifiable

helmets that allow

teachers, details

decoration or the same grounds

than wine or oil

left. And the shadow

eventually reaching

mind, but not the cold loneliness

: at the end

to give back the borrowed
, dark

workshop where they began to form

these verses hurt ,

be no death.


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